01 July 2011

Martí Homs

It is the second time I meet a stretch of the 764 small puzzles of Martí Homs, and I ask myself the same question as the first time: how is it possible to get as good puzzles? I think after the fine Martí Homs's collection, who want to build a puzzle of 3 boxes a bit unusual, it is quite difficult ...

This time I used to make a selection of the 80 most beautiful puzzles, which I call "Homz Challenge". You can download it here:

Homz Challenge (80 puzzles)

Martí Homs is a computer engineer and, like me, lives in Catalonia (northeastern Spain) and both speak the same language.

I wrote to Martí, and he explained:

"As a final project of engineering studies, long ago, I worked on artificial intelligence concepts, and finally applied them to the design of Sokoban puzzles ... The technique used is called Genetic Algorithms, which can be applied to almost any optimization problem ..."

What surprises me most of the puzzles of Martí they are incredibly fun, many of them even with structure of "rooms" differentiated. Usually, and with few exceptions, the collections of puzzles automatically obtained are usually very boring: one has the feeling of always solving the same puzzle, and after 15 or 20 leaves. Instead, it is a pleasure to solve the puzzles of Martí. How is it possible to obtain as entertaining puzzles and such varied themes?

I hope you enjoy this selection "Homz Challenge" of 80 puzzles that, in my humble opinion, can be placed alongside the classic collections of Jacques Duthen and Yoshio Murase.


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